Newbie Feature: Taye Johnson / Data Analytics

Monday, December 21, 2020

WHO: Taye Johnson

WHERE: Brooklyn, NY

WHAT: Data Analytics Manager, Data Team. I work at Eidolon Communications and one of the reasons why I decided to take the role was because I wanted to have the opportunity to lead by example.

Taye considers herself a Nerd, Techie, and POC.

SALARY EST.:  a range which depends on experience 65,000 to 120,000
We're very interested in sharing Taye's story it's a journey that she's earned and cultivated through strife but she never let it keep her from accomplishing her dream. Although, getting into Tech and staying in tech is a struggle within itself there's so much more richness to the lives of those who do this work. We want to be able to tell those stories and share in these vulnerable moments with deep admiration.

Taye, can you tell us a little about your cultural and/or economic background:

I grew up in a conservative southern Christian Black family. Most of my childhood was spent following orders. As I've gotten older, I've had to learn how to embrace my own voice. My background is rooted in struggle. Both of my parents were drug addicts and didn't become sober until I was a young adult. Everything that I have today was earned through perseverance. From my first job as a Barista to becoming an Engineer. I never let my past define me.

When did you start getting involved in tech? Why did you choose to enter the tech field?

I started working in tech because I was bored with what I was doing at my former 9 to 5 job. I was working in an administrative position and knew that I wasn't living up to my potential. Something just didn't feel right. I knew that I was on the wrong path. So I decided to attend different events to hear about what other people were doing in their fields. At first, I had no idea that I would end up in tech but given my background in HR and Data, it seemed like a good fit. I always enjoyed figuring things out and creating stuff with my hands. Tech allowed me to merge the two.

NIT Staff: Wow it's amazing to see that you came from a non-technical background and found yourself working your way into tech through HR and having been so good with data. Our founder was also an administrative assistant before finding her tech skill in database management. Now she's finding her way in operations and HR.

How did your traditional education (or non-traditional) prepare you for your current job?

I got my B.S. in Business, Management, and Economics and I attended a coding Bootcamp. I'm currently pursuing my M.S. in Information Technology with a concentration in Cybersecurity. My traditional and non-traditional educational background gave me a more holistic view of how organizations operate.

What coding language (if any) are you most comfortable with?
JavaScript, Python, and a little bit of R

What is your biggest challenge working in tech?
The biggest challenge that I face while working in tech is being underestimated. There aren't a lot of Black people who work in tech especially Black women. There is a misconception that we cannot hang with the best of them. But that isn't true. We just don't receive the same opportunities.
NIT Staff: I totally agree with this statement. It's hard being a double minority in a field that is concentrated on white men. The biggest issue we come across is that being underestimated means we either work twice as hard to be twice as good or we give way to imposters syndrome and find it difficult to manage expectations. We definitely deserve to be in spaces we've been hired to be in.

What the coolest project you have worked on?

The coolest and most stressful project that I worked on was at a large tech company. We were completing a massive data integration project for the entire organization. This was the largest data set that I have ever worked on. The pressure was high and we were a small team but there was a lot riding on that project. Luckily it was a success.

What are you passionate about outside of tech?

I love being a creative. I enjoy art in every form. Music, dance, poetry, photography, anything creative and I'm down.

"Techies work within levels. You can either be in the clouds or one of the stars" - Taye

What are your goals for the future?
I want to become a Researcher. My goal is to complete studies on how people process information as it relates to education and training & development.

Favorite Tech hashtag?

Best advice you have for Newbie trying to get into tech?
Don't let anyone tell you when it's your time.

Any book suggestions?
Lean Out by Elissa Shevinsky

Last but not least,
Where can Newbies connect with you online?